the android will melt with the chrome

The operating system (OS) Chrome and Android rumored to be merged into one single platform. Rumors are circulating since Google first unveil cloud-based operating system.

Sergey Brin, Google co-founder implicitly reveal in 2009 that both the OS is likely to converge over time.

Latest, rumors merging two OSes it seems to be stronger due to the change of management that is in the body of the software giant. Hiroshi Lockheimer, Vice President of Engineering of Android at Google Chrome entrusted to supervise a team of technicians.

Google previously has Linus Upson in that position. This indicates that there is a move that will achieve two related Google OS, Chrome and Android.

Some of the reasons that reinforce among others, Google last month brought the first batch of Android apps, Duolingo, Evernote, Sight Words and Vine for cloud OS.

The application runs on Chrome using Chrome App Runtime for beta, a project that the company has announced at the Google I / O in June 2014. Internet giant is also working with a selected group of Android developers to add the user's favorite applications.

Thus, users will get a more perfect experience on Android and Chromebook.

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