Previously had circulated latest leaked images Oppo smartphone R8207. This time it appears obvious leaks in the original product image.
Quoted from Weibo account, one of the employees Oppo mention if the device with the R8207 series have R1C name. It is also said that if this device is the successor of the Oppo R1 which has been on the market since the first quarter of this year.
Being the successor of its predecessor, R1C will come on the market with a 5-inch screen resolution of 720p (1280 x 720). Smartphone R1C will also use Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 615 8 Core as that carried smartphone R5 series. If you view the processors used, estimated handset will support 4G network in the market later.
As for the affairs of storage memory, R8207 Oppo will carry 16GB of internal memory which can be in expansion via microSD up to 128 GB. The camera will use a combination of a 5 Megapixel camera on the front and 13 megapixels in the back.
Excellence successor R1 is located on the Diamond Glass 3D pattern with blue sapphire on the rear casing. Rear casing is still the same concept with the R1 with glass material. Still the question of how the price of this smartphone, and whether this smartphone will be released to the Indonesian market. But clearly the presence of this smartphone will be Oppo's commitment to provide more global gadget market 4G handsets in the future.
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